Christmas Flowers and Berries 2023

After weeks of seasonably cool weather and regular soaking rains, Christmas day was cloudy and mild.  Textbook December weather brought forth many of our most loved winter flowers; quite different from last year’s Christmas cold snap that froze many blooms and buds.  Of particular note this year were the many perfect blooms from one of the older plantings of Narcissus romieuxii.  We look forward to future Christmases with mass plantings of these nodding, straw yellow, hoop-petticoat daffodils.


Camellia japonica (many!)

Chaenomeles ‘Crimson and Gold’, ‘Chojubai’

Chimonanthus praecox, yellow semi-double; species

Crocus sieberi, C. imperati

Cyclamen hederifolium, C. coum, C. cilicium

Daphne, variegated

Edgeworthia chrysantha 

Erica carnea, pink, white, E. x darleyensis ‘Arthur Johnson’, E. x ‘Silbershmelze’, pink

Edgeworthia chrysantha ‘Snowcream’

Galanthus elwesii, G. e. “Sandra Lutz”, G. e. var. monostictus 

Helleborus foetidus, H. argutifolius, H. x sternii, H. niger, H. x media, H. x nigercors, H. orientalis, H. x hybridus

Iris unguicularis

Enemion biternatum

Jasminum nudiflorum

Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum, and seedlings

Magnolia x ‘Sandra’, M. x ‘Donna’

Mahonia x lindsayae, M. napaulensis ‘Grayswood hybrid’, M. x media, ‘Arthur Menzies’, ‘Winter Sun’, ‘Charity’, ‘Lionel Fortescue’

Narcissus panizzianus, N. romieuxii

Osmanthus fragrans 

Phlox subulata, white, purple, pink

Primula vulgaris, hose-in-hose, yellow

Rosmarinus officinalis, 2 forms

Spiraea thunbergii, yellow leaved

Verbena canadensis, white, purple, red

Berries or Fruit

Belamcanda chinensis

Berberis thunbergii

Danae racemosa

Hedera helix ‘Poetica Arborea’

Ilex vomitoria, I. x attenuata, I. decidua ‘Pocahontas’, ‘Council Fire’, ‘Finch’s Gold’, I. opaca

Iris foetidissima

Juniperus chinensis

Nandina domestica, yellow or red berries

Poncirus trifoliata ‘Flying Dragon’, yellow fruit


Rohdea japonica

Roses with fruit

Ruscus aculeatus

Symphoricarpos orbiculatus

Montrose Garden